Back in 2011 when Astra was with Unilever, product contained an anti-oxidant in the formula as TBHQ (E319) . While this is an approved antioxidant under the food regulation it was not under the food regulation for infants and young children. This was taken by a PHI as a non-conformance as Astra could be given by the moms for infants and asked the company to state in the labelling that "Astra is not suitable for children below 3 years". Upon this Unilever decided to remove this antioxidant from the product with immediate effect. There onwards, Astra is not having this ingredient in the product, and this was replaced by a natural ingredient in the name of Rosemary extract, which is stated in the ingredient panel. Rosemary extract is suitable for everyone in the family. The same was approved and endorsed by the Food Advisory committee as well.
Kindly see the attached statement from Upfield; the current owner of the brand (largest plant-based consumer food organization in the world) as well as the independent research report confirming that TBHQ ingredient is not present in the product. For more information don’t hesitate to call us on our hotline 0117 84 40 40 Attached are the Upfield official statement on the matter along with the Food advisory committee confirmation on the usage of rosemary extract as well as an independent research report confirming that the product does not have TBHQ (E319)